Hey y'all!
The lack of blogging this week is just crazy, my apologies! But, over the weekend, I was out of town.
Megan invited me a few months ago to go visit her brother in Missouri and it was also a chance to get to visit Mizzou's campus.
I'm not sure if you're aware of how cold it is in the northern part of the United States right this moment..but saying I was unprepared is an understatement. I was in complete
shock from how freezing cold the air was.
Anyways, here's a break down of my weekend!
Friday (February 28)
Lucky for me, my very sweet mother allowed me to leave school early at one o'clock. Megan and I met up and went to grab some lunch at a local Japanese restaurant (we literally go at least once a week!). After that, we headed out to her house to meet up with her dad and stepmom, and we managed to arrive just in time to leave for the airport. Although our flight wasn't until 7 o'clock pm, traffic in Texas during rush hour is a pain in the butt--especially when the airport is downtown. So starting at 3 o'clock, we began a very aggressive race down the highway. 6 o'clock, we rolled in, checked our bags and raced through security. Before I knew it, we were on the plane.
Since we flew SouthWest Airlines, seats were unassigned. As always, Megan made me sit next to the complete stranger. He was nice, but I'm not the best at talking to people. In fact, I get all awkward and just can't stop laughing. The flight was quick, only two hours (maybe even an hour and a half??).
Off the plane and into the rental car and, boy, were we lucky. Walking up to the parking spot, and what did we see? A silver Dodge minivan -- or as we referred to it "
the swaggin' wagon". The hotel was about an hour from the airport so Megan and I were in and out of sleeping during the duration of the drive.
Steven (Megan's brother) met us at the hotel and there were lots of hugs. But, it was late and we were all very tired. Waiting in the room was an odd surprise.

BATH TUBS RIGHT NEXT TO THE BED. Can we talk about this for a second? I'm sorry but this is weird right? I'm not crazy for thinking that this is super out of the ordinary. Okay, I maybe understand a bathtub in the middle of the room in a honeymoon suite, or something of that sort. For some odd reason, the entire third floor of the hotel was laid out like this (Not sure if the whole hotel was because we only had rooms on the one floor!)
After running to each room to check if they had the same set up, then continuing to screaming and talk about how uncomfortable and out of place the bath was, we all hit the hay.
Saturday, March 1st

Waking up at 8 and getting (the teenage version of) an early start on the day, we headed to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. I know that some people consider CB as a place for old people to get their free breakfasts, but those haters probably have horrible taste in everything and think that Denny's has good food (SPOILER: they absolutely do not). Whenever we got around to ordering, I opted for pancakes and lots of hash browns because what breakfast is complete without an unhealthy amount of potatoes? A lame one, that's what.
And of course, it wouldn't be a trip to Cracker Barrel without playing the Tricky Triangle Game. If you've never played before, the whole point of the game is to have the least amount of pegs left on the board by skipping one over the other. Think chess but a lot easier...sort of. Believe it or not, I actually managed to only leave one peg on the board on my first try! Call me a genius or a cheater, you pick.

Next was the drive to the campus of Mizzou! We had tickets to the basketball game at noon, but it was absolutely freezing. So the trusty "swaggin' wagon" got us around campus until it was time to head into the arena. The campus is absolutely beautiful. If you ever get the opportunity to visit, make sure to check out the student's recreational center. I was blown away with how amazing it is!

The basketball game was Mizzou vs Missippi State. The score was 85-66, with Mizzou winning! The student section was hilarious to watch and had really great energy which kept the game interesting, even during timeouts and breaks.

For dinner, Steven got to pick where we ate. So of all the places in Missouri, we go to a Texas place! I had their salmon and it was so delicious. This is also when we got the news of how bad the weather was going to be for the next day. At one point, we even thought our flights were going to be canceled.
Since the roads were starting to ice over, we drove to our new hotel and spent the rest of the night in. Megan and I managed to watch Saw, The Little Mermaid and Mulan, before passing out.
Sunday, March 2nd
Steven's 19th birthday! But, it was not quite a celebration..and this was just the start of the day..

All my northern readers probably think I'm a huge baby, but I was not prepared at all. It may have been cold, but it's never too cold for a photo opportunity! Hey, we live in Texas..it's not everyday you get to see snow! For lunch, we stopped to eat at an Asian buffet which had tons of choices. The sushi was so fresh and absolutely delicious.

But soon enough, we dropped Steven off at his car, said our goodbyes, and headed to the airport. After dropping off the "swaggin' wagon", we flew through security. Our flight was delayed 45 minutes which wasn't bad. In fact, that time was taken advantage of! Megan and I watched We Are The Millers. Loved it!
As fun as it was to see snow, I don't think I'll be moving up North anytime soon..
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