My boyfriend, Michael, and I have lived together for over a year now. It's not every day that you meet a college student that lives with her significant other, but I honestly wouldn't trade it for the world! It makes me so much more confident that this is the man I want to marry.
I know a lot of couples are skeptical about moving in together before they're engaged or married, but I couldn't recommend it enough. You'll learn a lot about each other's habits and I definitely understand why some people break up after they move in together. Fights are easier to have when you're in a close space, but at the same time, they're over a lot faster because, at the end of the day, you end up in the same bed so it's easier to forgive.
Now I'm definitely no love expert, but I figured I'd share some of the tips that have made living together for us a huge success! Hopefully, you can use them yourself when the time comes around to move in with your boo.