I've always been a creative type. Whether I was doodling in a notebook in first grade, or scrapbooking my life away at age 10, I would tell my mom that I was bored and "wanted to do some crafting". I also started making YouTube videos when I was in 5th grade, and since then, the creative content has pretty much been nonstop. From creating a blog to trying a million different Instagram ideas, I've really dipped my toe in the pond of most platforms.
But one of the hardest things I frequently experience is lack of inspiration. I feel like I'm failing myself if I'm not posting a photo once a week or uploading a video every-so-often. I LOVE when I'm in the zone and just creating new content. So why do I feel so disappointed when the content I publish doesn't receive the engagement I expected?

The longer I waited to post, the more it felt like the audience I worked so hard for was losing interest. I didn't want to post the wrong thing and lose myself even more. I shouldn't seek validation from the number of likes or comments I get. But when your posts aren't resonating with your audience, it's time for a break.
So that's what I did.
I took a break from my blog to allow myself to figure out what exactly I want from it. Since I'm no longer in college, it feels wrong to write about "9 Things You Need for Your Dorm". I want my content to feel genuine without being boring. I want my excitement about my posts to jump off the page. I want to be in love with my blog again to the point that it feels wrong if I'm not posting once a week.
2019 has been a toughie for sure, but it's allowed for me to grow. So I'm coming back with my sassy and witty sense of humor to deliver the big sister content that I love to create. I hope you'll stick around!
ps here's a photo of how I've kind of been feeling lately ft my dog, Peanut.

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