Dear Mom and Dad,
Happy Anniversary! I hope that your twenty-second is just as great as the first. You both really deserve a special day (but you're coming to visit me so of course, it will be special).
First of all, I want to thank you for teaching me what love is. I will never forget over the summer when Dad was in the hospital and Mom said to me "make sure you find someone who you would be willing to take for in sickness and in health". And I don't think I took that seriously before. Love is taking care of your partner through the best times and the worst times. Most people skip out on the bad part though. But not y'all. Mom, when you stayed home to be with Dad even though I knew how badly you wanted to come to Scotland with us, that was what love is. (And Dad you did the same for Mom over winter break!! Y'all get surgery too much..)
Secondly, thank you for teaching me what love looks like. The fact that I can say my parents are still together is amazing. So many kids my age can't say the same. But y'all are different because you make an effort to still hold hands and kiss (even though sometimes it's a little weird). And now that I'm at college, y'all go on dates and do romantic things. I know that our family went through some hard times for a few years but we all made it through that. I'm overjoyed that you are both so happy together. I hope that when I get married, I still am that in love with my husband after twenty-two years.
Lastly, thank you for showing me that someone will (and most importantly, should) love me unconditionally. Too many young people settle for someone just because it's easy or just because they want a significant other. But you have both pushed me to find someone who makes me be the best version of myself and someone who challenges me (Lord knows I need it!). Without your guidance, I'm not sure where I would be with my love life. By setting a great example for me, I know what I want and what I'm looking for. So, thank you, Mom and Dad.
Love from,
Your Thankful Daughter
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